Heads of Department
Dr. Ciara Chambers O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, Ireland
Email: UCCfilmstudies@ucc.ie
Web: www.ucc.ie/en/filmstudies
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Education and Training Profile 2017: |
Launched in September 2013, University College Cork’s new BA in Film and Screen Media offers a thorough education in the history, values, aesthetics and ideology of the moving image. Led by internationally recognised experts, and with a thriving visiting speakers and guest practitioners component, this BA will immerse students in the history of filmmaking through the study of films from around the world, from the birth of cinema to the age of the Internet.
According to Barry Monahan, PhD, the three-year undergraduate course will feature modules in screenwriting and filmmaking led by university staff and other experienced industry practitioners. These will be accompanied by short courses on film editing.
"All of these practical modules are designed to complement and be complemented by the core theoretical, analytical and historical courses, and they provide a solid grounding in, and experience of, practical aspects of filmmaking," Dr Monahan said.
The BA will prepare students for the challenges of our society and our evolving technologies, and help equip them with the skills for careers in the media, the culture and creative industries, teaching, journalism, or for further study and research at postgraduate level.
The degree aims to offer a blend of theoretical and practical courses, with the core group of lecturers including Dr Monahan, Dr Gwenda Young and Prof Laura Rascaroli - all of whom are responsible for the delivery of modules in film theory, history and aesthetics.
The programme is unique in its combination of film studies and screen media (internet, mobile social media, computer games). It offers practical modules and workshops in digital filmmaking and writing for the screen. Leaving Cert entry requirements are expected to be broadly in line with Arts subjects in UCC.
"The course is designed for anybody who is passionate about the study and analysis of film, and interested in the area of screen media, more broadly," Dr Monahan added. "While this is not a vocational course strictly designed to produce filmmakers ready to enter the market after three years, valuable practical experience gained will enhance individuals' understanding of, appreciation of, and analytical engagement with film and screen media."
Further information can be found at: Film & Screen Media, UCC |
BA in Film and Screen Media
University College Cork’s BA in Film and Screen Media is a major degree that offers students a thorough education on the history, theory, values, aesthetics and ideology of the moving image.
Led by internationally recognised experts, the BA immerses students in the history and theory of film and screen media from around the world, from the birth of cinema to the age of the Internet. Its unique programme innovatively combines the study of film and of screen media (Internet, mobile social media, e-publishing), practical filmmaking modules and workshops in digital filmmaking and in writing for the screen.
Students make films under the guidance of experienced practitioners, and avail of professionalising opportunities provided by the programme’s partnership with film festivals such as the Schull Fastnet Film Festival. With a thriving component of visiting speakers, guest practitioners and artists in residence, students have the chance to meet and be taught by professionals of the film industry and by expert speakers from universities and archives from around the world.
Students may opt into the International Pathway of the BA, and spend third year studying film and screen media, as well as their second subject, at a partner university abroad.
The BA equips students with the skills for careers in the media, the culture and creative industries, teaching, journalism, or for further study and research at postgraduate level.
For entry requirements and more information: https://www.ucc.ie/en/filmstudies/ba/
BA Film and Screen Media CK105 (NFQ level 8)
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences
Duration: 3 years
International Pathway: 4 years
What will you be studying?
The BA combines two main subject areas: Film Studies and Screen Media (which encompasses new digital media, including the Internet, computer games and mobile social media)
2019 Entry Requirements
Irish School Leavers: H5 in two subjects, and O6 in four other subjects in the Leaving Certificate from Irish, English, another language, and three other subjects recognised for entry purposes.
Requirements for A Level Students
Requirements for non-EU Students
Requirements for Mature Students
Further information on the BA in Film and Screen Media contact:
Ms Linda Murphy
Film and Screen Media Administrator
O’Rahilly Building 1.80
University College Cork
Tel: +353 (21) 490 3863
Email: UCCfilmstudies@ucc.ie
MRes in Film and Screen Media
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences
Duration – 1 year full time
The MRes in Film and Screen Media is a one-year graduate degree based on coursework and training, and a major research project. The degree provides the opportunity for students to develop a deeper understanding of the subject by engaging in a sustained research project, while acquiring skills that will serve them in their career development or in continuing with their fourth-level studies.
The MRes offers training in project management, research skills, digital and editing skills, or qualitative data analysis, and at the same time provides greater flexibility precisely because the taught components are reduced (with respect to a taught Master’s) and because the student will work, under supervision, on an extended project based on his or her individual research interest. For these reasons, this degree will appeal to a wide range of students, including those who might already be employed or who are engaged in life-long learning.
For entry requirements and more information: https://www.ucc.ie/en/filmstudies/mres/
Entry Requirements:
To be considered for registration as an MRes candidate, an applicant will normally have a primary degree at Second Honours level, Grade I or the equivalent.
Students may progress to PhD level.
Course Requirement Information
MA in Film and Screen Media
College of Arts, Celtic Studies and Social Sciences
Duration – 1 year full time
The new MA in Film and Screen Media is a one-year taught course that offers students advanced-level critical skills in the discipline of Film and Screen Media, training in digital filmmaking, and transferrable IT/web skills. This exciting new MA combines theory and practice, with an emphasis on encouraging students’ academic skills and creativity (in filmmaking; film/media journalism; cultural administration). Students will avail of specialised tuition in the areas of film and screen media and digital filmmaking, and may also opt to get involved in voluntary work for cultural projects and film festivals, such as the Fastnet Film Festival, Schull, offered throughout the programme year. Students on the MA will also be given the opportunity to gain certification as a Final Cut Pro X editor in our specialised AppleTM Authorised Training Centre for Education.
For entry requirements and more information: https://www.ucc.ie/en/filmstudies/ma/
Entry Requirements:
An applicant will have a primary degree of at least Second Class Honours Grade I in the Humanities. Successful applicants will normally have evidence of successful performance in undergraduate modules taken in Film Studies and/or Media Studies and/or practical/professional expertise or qualification in the area. Applications from students with a Second Class Honours Grade II degree in a suitable subject may also be considered. These applicants may be requested to submit a proposal and/or attend an interview.
All applicants must submit two academic references. These should be forwarded by the referee to MA coordinator, Dr. Gwenda Young (g.young@ucc.ie) on or before June 1st. Please note: The Additional/Supplementary Statement Questions MUST also be completed during the online application process.
English Language Requirements: IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL equivalent
Students may progress to PhD level.
- CKH37 PhD (Arts) Film and Screen Media (Full-Time)
- CKH38 PhD (Arts) Film and Screen Media (Part-Time)
- CKH95 PhD (Arts) Film and Screen Media (Creative Practice) (Full-Time)
- CKH96 PhD (Arts) Film and Screen Media (Creative Practice) (Part-Time)
Film and Screen Media at University College Cork offers two doctoral degree programmes: the PhD in Film and Screen Media and the PhD in Film and Screen Media (Creative Practice). The PhD in Film and Screen Media is based on a programme of study and research whose main focus is the writing of a major dissertation of no more than 80,000 words. The PhD in Film and Screen Media (Creative Practice) has two components: practical and critical. The relationship between these components will depend on individual research choices and should be addressed as part of the overall dissertation. The first and main focus of the PhD will be a body of practice-based work designed for exhibition. This may consist of a substantial, original, high quality film or of a coherent portfolio of practical film and screen media work.
English Language Requirements: IELTS 6.5 or TOEFL equivalent
For entry requirements and more information: https://www.ucc.ie/en/filmstudies/phd/
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