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MEDIA Deadlines and Events for Winter 2001
25 Nov 2001 :
Media Deadlines and Event Dates for Winter 2001/2002

16/11/2001 - Media Salles - Focus on Europe
23/11/2001 - Docs for Sale 2001 @ Amsterdam Forum
23/11/2001 - ARCHIMEDIA 2001
26/11/2001 - International Documentary Film Festival Amsterdam 2001
30/11/2001 - AKMI Media Management Training (CHANGED TO 10 DECEMBER)
30/11/2001 - TRAM - EMMDIS
1/12/2001 - Selective Scheme- Cinema Distribution
1/12/2001 - SOURCES 2
3/12/2001 - Support for Networks of Audiovisual Festivals Grants & Loans

14/12/2001 - MEDEA Support
20/12/2001 - Media Academie
31/12/2001 - A Marketplace supported NEW TELEVISION FESTIVAL in Venice
31/12/2001 - MILIA - Interactive Content Event(Creation and Distribution) (5th/8th FEB CANNES)
31/12/2001 - THINK.TANK. Summit Cannes February 4-5
("An in-depth two-day cross-sector Conference Program on Interactive Content Strategies and Technology Trends")
4/1/2002 - CARTOON Masters
10/1/2002 - Pygmalion
21/1/2002 - North by Northwest Classics
27/1/2002 - Cinemart, co-production market of the International Film Festival Rotterdam
1/2/2002 - Clermont-Ferrand Short Film Festival and Market
14/3/2002 - CARTOON Movie
15/3/2002 - MFI Script Workshops


Ireland recently hosting the final session of the EAVE programme in Killiney in Dublin.
MEDIA Desk Ireland and MEDIA Antenna Galway co-ordinated an event during the workshop to allow the current EAVE participants to meet the Irish alumni of the programme.
The Irish alumni made a presentation to the the outgoing EAVE director Raymond Ravar who commented:
"We are Proud of the 50 Irish Graduates trained by EAVE between June 1998 and November 2001 and their presence in the national Irish Film and Television industry and in the markets all over Europe"

Congratulations to Catherine Buresi from MEDIA Antenna Strasbourg on her appointment as incoming director of EAVE.

The new Venice International Television Festival will be launched March 21-26, 2002 at the Lido di Venezia, Italy. The Festival invites European producers, distributors and TV stations to participate in the competition for the CANAL GRANDE AWARD for 1. Fiction [TV movie, mini-series, serial]
2. Documentaries [single programme, series, docu-soap]
3. Cartoon [single programme, series]
4. Format [game, entertainment, sitcom, education]
The jury will also select best director, best scriptwriter, best actress, best actor and best supporting cast of fictional programmes.There is a special price, YOUNG MARCO POLO PREMIO, for the most promising first work.The festival, aiming to be a genuine networking platform for the television industry, will also organise VENICE PITCHINGS, a forum for the presentation of co-productions, the VENICE CONVENTION, with key-professionals presenting current political, economical and artistic perspectives, and introduces a SPECIAL GUEST, being Canada for the 2002 edition.
DEADLINE FOR ENTRIES: DECEMBER 31, 2001 Co-production projects can be entered till January 15, 2002.For more information and registration forms check www.venicetvfestival.com or contact Consuelo Puricelli [c.puricelli@veneziafiere.it, tel. +30 04171.40.66, fax 71.31.51]or Marlene Sternbaum[msternbaum@aol.com, tel. +49 8143 44.49.99, fax 44.49.00]

Jacques Delmoly, responsible of the MEDIA + Programme, declared that Europa Cinemas would become "the exclusive distribution and management body of the support given to movie theatres". Its objective is to gather a total of 1000 screens in a network of theaters in 2002; these have the obligation to program a significant part of non-national European films. To do so, Europa Cinemas has for the period 2001-2001 a budget from the Commission of 9.2 million Euro at his disposal. Currently, Europa Cinemas, chaired by Claude Miller, counts 780 screens, that is to say 350 theatres in 210 cities of 38 European countries.

Europa Cinemas - whose functioning is co-financed by the "Centre National du Cinéma Français" - organizes, from November 23 to 25 in Rome, a conference to study and incite initiatives for the audience's loyalty. As for Media Salles (based in Italy), the other European organization supporting movie theatres, it launched training modules for exhibitors named "European Cinema Exhibition - A New Approach".

The first event will take place in June 2002 in Ebeltoft (Denmark) in collaboration with the Danish association of exhibitors, the Danske Biographer and the European Film College. The courses shall analyze the ways to vary programmes, to satisfy the demands of different types of the audience, as well as marketing strategies, cinema management and digital cinema.

These training modules will take place in different places and will be adapted to the specific needs of exhibitors of the different parts of Europe. For further information on Europa Cinemas, please visit www.europa-cinemas.org

ARGOVELA FILMS with the support of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union conducted the above course from 20-23 October, 2001 in Crete, Greece
This new course was led by professional negotiators supplemented with lectures by experts in different audiovisual fields (finance, legal, agents, and creative). The goal is not to directly learn, for example, the legal requirements - but instead to learn to better negotiate one’s needs to the requirements - and possibilities. Both the business points of any deal and also the psychological, motivational and behavioral aspects of negotiation including neuro linguistic programming, visualization and time line approaches were all covered. Participants - Cathal Gaffney (Brownbag), Kathy Ryan (Cloudline)

- David Power (Power Pictures) – Docs Barcelona
- Cathal Gaffney(Brown Bag Films) /Kathy Ryan (Cloudline) – Global Negotiations
- Paul Tully (Xstream) – Film Business School
- Breda Walsh (Goldfish) – Strategics
- Paul Cummins (Telegael)– TV Business School
- Karen Edmonds/Hugh Farley/Fergal McGrath/Martina Niland/Cait Barden – EAVE
- Catherine Lyons (Camel Productions) – Eurodoc
- Anthony Byrne (Writer) – Sources
- Nick Kilcoyne -(Multimedia) - EMAM

MEDIA Desk Ireland with the support of BDO Simpson Xavier, Chartered Accountants are delighted to invite writers to a ‘MEDIA’ BREAKFAST for WRITERS in The James Joyce Room, Bewleys, Grafton St. on December 5th , 2001 at 8.30am - 10.00am

Guest Speakers: SEAN MOFFATT (Chair Irish Playwrights & Screenwriters Guild) and DAVID KAVANAGH (Consultant to above Board). The discussion will focus on the development of a new Irish Screenwriters Guild, a new copyright directive and MEDIA training for writers.

The IRISH/GERMAN FORUM is rescheduled for 6 – 8 December in Dublin.

MEDIA DESK and SCREEN TRAINING IRELAND WILL HOLD A North by Northwest information session for writers in the Fitzwilliam Room between 6.30 and 9pm on Tuesday 11 of November.

The next call is due out in December. MEDIA Desk and Antenna will contact you when the call is issued.

Call for Proposals 21/2001
Support for the Transnational Distribution of European Films and the Networking of European Distributors -The Selective Scheme - The maximum support is S125,000 per distributor per film.
Deadlines: 1 December 2001, 15 March 2002, 19 July 2002, and 1 December 2002. Guidelines and application forms are available from the MEDIA Desk and Antenna.

Under the revised TV Broadcasting scheme European production companies can apply for support to produce fiction, documentary or animated films involving no less than two broadcasters, and preferably more, in several member states in the European Union from different language zones. The financial contribution awarded may not exceed 12.5% of the production budget for fiction and animated films and 20% of the production budget for documentary films to a maximum of € 500 000 per work. The first MEDIA Plus deadline was 7th September 2001. Further deadlines are expected in early 2002.

Call for Proposals 7/2001
Financial support is available for joint activities to encourage the networking of European festivals.The 46th Cork Film Festival and the 12th Cinemagic Childrens' Film Festival in Belfast were both supported under this call. Calls 67/2001 and 68/2001 for Festivals and Festival Networks Two new calls have just been published for Festivals and Festival Networks.The festivals guidelines used to incorporate both of these items in the same call. On this occasion, they have been split into two:Support for Audiovisual Festivals Call 67/2001 and Support for Festival Networks Call 68/2001.Please contact MEDIA Desk for more information.

Established as a Partial Agreement of the Council of Europe, the European Fund EURIMAGES supports full-length feature film/animations as well as documentaries of a minimum length of 70 minutes. Production companies can apply under two separate schemes, one based mainly on the films real circulation potential, the second for films reflecting the cultural diversity of European cinema in particular those with relatively modest budgets and less well-known casts. For guidelines and more information contact the Desk or Antenna or http//culture.coe.fr/Eurimages. Decision for 12th October Deadline will be reached by 28th NOVEMBER.

Eureka Audio-visual is a pan-European intergovernmental organization which regroups 35 member states as well as the European Commission and the Council of Europe as associate member. Established in 1989, it’s mission consists in encouraging the unification of the patchwork of European national audio-visual markets so as to stimulate the emergence of a well competitive and high-quality European For more information: www.aveureka.org, Email: screening@aveureka.be or t: +32 2 543 76 60.

This is an initiative of the Ministry of Culture of the Regional Government of Andalsuia, created to stimulate and to promote the Euro-Mediterranean audio-visual industry. It is based on the setting-up of support measures to the development of audio-visual projects as well as of complementary measures in audio-visual training. MEDEA has a budget of 5 million euros in the form of non repayable subsidies and the programme will last 3 years. The financial support for the development of projects can reach up to 50% of the cost of the development stage. The maximum quantity of the support for documentaries is 15,000euro and the maximum quantity of the support for for full-length films is 36,000 euro.www.programamedea.com E:programamedea@epgpc.com T:+34955037250

This is a student and professional placement programme for recent graduates or graduating students of film school. Placements contsist of practical placements on film production sets throughout Europe. There are no application deadlines. www.eikk.de T:+49 721 9850520

ACE - Ateliers de Cinema Europeen ACE develops feature film projects throughout a year, monitoring producers projects through workshops and consultancy. The training programme takes place in Paris, 11th - 17th Dec 2001 with a 5 day residential workshop. Participating producers must have completed at least one feature film or full length TV drama. T:+33144618830 ace@pelnet.com

Film Business School 28 Nov-2 Dec (in Spain)An intensive workshop organized for feature film producers,formulating a finance plan for your projects and a better understanding of the current business climate. Deadline passed T: +34 91 575 9583 E:fbs@mediaschool.org, www.mediaschool.org

Eurodoc: Eurodoc is a series of intensive seminars for independant documentary producers based on the development of real - life Documentary projects. T:+33 467 60 88 44 E: eurodoc@wanadoo.fr. Deadline passed www.eurodoc.asso.fr The next session (follow-up session) will take place in Koln (Germany) from 6 to 10 of February 2002.Session III- meeting with the decision makers - will take place in Lisbon (Portugal) - March 200

Strategics: co-ordinates intensive Film Marketing training workshops and an annual Marketing Film test in post production phase to experiment with the position of a film.The next workshop takes place in Luxembourg in December.Deadline passed T:+352451980E: strategics@filmnet.lu www.strategics.lu

Cartoon Finance:an international event for people involved in the creation/development and exploitations of animated properties. Discover alternative ways to finance your concept, get it on screen and how best to exploit that brand. T: + 32 2 2451200 E:masters@cartoon.skynet.be.www.informamedia.com.

Contact: Dr. Angelos Koutsomichalis Phone: 301 97 69 510-511 or 301 822 4074 Fax: 301 882 1803 or +301 9705762
E-Mail: info@iek-akmi.gr or akouts@akimkek.gr
Participants will acquire specialised knowledge on the management of production companies and TV channels and update their information on recent evolution in handling legal, economical and managerial aspects of an audiovisual production.The CORPUS Programme includes two 4-day sessions: Management and legal aspects of film production companies with emphasis on corporate management & Management and legal aspects of a Television channel with emphasis on programming. Applicants should be professionals working in the audiovisual sector for at least 3 years or university graduates in the fields of Law, Economics, Media or Marketing. More info attached

Tram(Training & Research Actions in Multimedia) EMMDIS
is a 3 month EuropeanMaster designed/organised by TRAM, involving business design and content production from management related issues to technical aspects. Deadline November 30th . T:+ 33 1 49833344 E: vinuela@ina.fr

PYGMALLION II - Writing for Young Audiences Script development workshops for writer / producer teams focusing on producing live-action fiction series for an 8 to 13 year old audience. A scholorship of 15000 Euros for the development of projects will be awarded to selected programmes.Tel: +33144079100 E:ceea@malion.edu. Deadline 10th January 2002

North by Northwest: Series of intensive script workshops for professional European scriptwriters & script editors. T:+45 33 743528 E:info@n-nw.dk www.n-nw.dk. Deadline 21st January 2001.

Step by Step is a unique script development program which, for the seventh time again in 2002, will offer twelve creative, team-compatible screenwriters and their producers the possibility to develop and polish theirs scripts from treatment stage to a conceivable film version under the guidance of renowned script consultants.

Arista: An intensive 7-day story editor & project development workshop will take place in Northern Ireland from November 21st – 28th. Deadline passed T: + 44 207 323 1775 E: arista@aristotle.co.uk

Archimedia has announced its programme of short seminars for 2001. Fee per seminar 150 Euros (£95). Applications must be received at least 2 weeks prior to the next seminar.Contact Archimedia Email archimedia@ledoux.be Website www.ledoux.be/archimedia Tel. 0032 2 507 84 03 Fax. 0032 2 513 12 72

The MEDIA Programme encourages the presence of independent European producers and distributors at European and International markets through dedicated stands and preferential rates for delegates.MEDIA also supports a number of thematic and smaller markets. Upcoming markets include:

The Documentary Forum - Amsterdam 26th - 28th November
The FORUM is Europe’s largest gathering of television commissioning editors and independent documentary producers. Its aim is to stimulate co-financing and co-production of new documentaries by enabling producers to pitch their project concepts to the assembled commissioning editors and other professionals.

The CineMart Rotterdam 27th-31st January 2002
The CineMart is a co-production market which runs parallel to the Rotterdam International Film Festival. During the five days of the CineMart approximately 40 new film projects, feature length fiction projects and documentaries are presented.

For More Information Please Contact:
MEDIA Desk Ireland:Siobhán O'Donoghue, Cáit Barden, 6 Eustace Street, Dublin 2, tel: 01 679 5744 or 679 1856 (direct), fax: 01 670 9608, e-mail: info@mediadesk.ie http://www.iftn.ie/mediadesk

MEDIA Antenna Galway,:Eibhlín Ní Mhunghaile, Cluain Mhuire, Monivea Road, Co. Galway, tel: 091 770 728, fax: 091 770 746, e-mail: mediaant@iol.ie, http://www.media-antenna.com

MEDIA Desk Ireland is an initiative of the MEDIA Programme of the European Union in co-operation with the Film Institute of Ireland, Film Makers Ireland, Dublin City University, FilmBase, Bord Scannán na hÉireann/Irish Film Board and Radio Telefís Éireann

MEDIA Desk Ireland provides information and advice on the MEDIA Programme, EURIMAGES, and EUREKA AUDIOVISUAL and also on EU Audiovisual Policy. The offices are located in the Irish Film Centre, 6 Eustace St, Dublin 2 and are open for enquiries and consultancy meetings from Monday to Friday.

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