13 March 2025 The Irish Film & Television Network

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Bishop Lucey Park, Cork VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.corkcity.ie Email: arts@corkcity.ie
Tel: +353 21 492 42 98 Contact: Liz Meaney – Arts Officer
This is a small City Centre green space sandwiched between large buildings on Cork’s showpiece street, Grand Parade. 
Dodder Valley Linear Park - South Dublin County VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.southdublin.ie Email: rdwyer@sdublincoco.ie
Tel: +35314149000 Contact: Rosaleen Dwyer Heritage Officer
The Dodder Valley Linear Park is both a Regional Park and a proposed Natural Heritage Area (pNHA). 
Doneraile Castle and Park, Cork VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.opw.ie Email: brian.caffrey@opw.ie
Tel: +353 87 251 5965 Contact: Office of Public Works – Brian Caffrey
The Park comprises approximately 166 hectares and is an outstanding example of an 18th century landscaped park in the 'Capability Brown' style. 
Fitzgerald Park, Cork City VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.corkcity.ie Email: arts@corkcity.ie
Tel: +353 21 492 42 98 Contact: Liz Meaney - Arts Officer
Situated beside the Mardyke Walk near UCC and the leafy old residences of Sunday’s Well, this is a beautiful & romantic old park running along probably the prettiest stretch of the River Lee in the City. 
Lough Key Forest Park, Roscommon VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.loughkey.ie Email: info@loughkey.ie
Tel: +353 71 9673122 (Activity Centre) / +353 71 9663922 (Lakeside Café) / +353 71 9662212 (Campsite Office) Contact: Louise Fitzpatrick
Lough Key has for many centuries drawn people to its spectacular views, abundant wildlife, historic buildings and evocative islands. 
Web: www.corkcity.ie Email: arts@corkcity.ie
Tel: +353 21 492 42 98 Contact: Liz Meaney – Arts Officer
Although only a small strip of green by the River, this park offers some nice views of the old areas of Tivoli across the water for walking scenes. 
Millstreet Country Park, Cork VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.millstreetcountrypark.com Email: info@millstreetcountrypark.com
Tel: +353 29 70810 Contact: Joanie McAuliffe
This 500-acre estate has been a scenic, historical and beautiful natural attraction since the mid nineties. Over the years, it has established itself as one of the south’s major educational and eco tourism destinations. 
South Dublin County Parks VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.southdublin.ie Email: mhannon@sdublincoco.ie
Tel: +35314149000 Contact: Michael Hannon parks Dept SDCC c/o South Dublin County Council, County Hall, Tallaght, Dublin 24
Tollymore forest VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: Email: customer.forestservice@dardni.gov.uk
Tel: (028) 4372 2428 Contact:
A barn dressed up to look like a church, stone cones atop gate piers and gothic-style gate arches all show the influence of that highly individualistic designer, Thomas Wright of Durham (1711-1786), who was a friend of Lord Clanbrassil, owner of Toll 
Ulster American Folk Park, Tyrone VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.nmni.com/filming Email: filming@nmni.com
Tel: 0845 608 0000 Contact: Louise Willis/Suzanne Lamont
The human drama behind three centuries of Irish emigration is brought to life spectacularly at the Ulster American Folk Park. 
Web: www.corkcity.ie Email: arts@corkcity.ie
Tel: +353 21 492 42 98 Contact: Liz Meaney – Arts Officer
This is a long, thin strip of old Parkland running by the River Lee and the Carrigrohane Road near Cork County Hall and the UCC Sports Grounds. 
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The Full A-Z
Anner Castle, Tipperary
Bishop Lucey Park, Cork
Dodder Valley Linear Park - South Dublin County
Doneraile Castle and Park, Cork
Fitzgerald Park, Cork City
Lough Key Forest Park, Roscommon
Marina Park, Cork
Millstreet Country Park, Cork
South Dublin County Parks
Tollymore forest
Tullynally Castle & Gardens, Westmeath
Ulster American Folk Park, Tyrone
Weir Park, Cork
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