13 March 2025 The Irish Film & Television Network

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Church of Our Lady Crowned, Cork VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.olcmayfield.ie Email: office@olcmayfield.ie
Tel: +353 21 4551 276 Contact: Mary McCarthy
The design of the church is an open plan cone shaped building with the altar placed at the apex of the cone and the roof sloping towards the sanctuary. The church was opened for worship on June 10th, 1962. 
Church of the Ascension, Timoleague, Cork VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: Email: danielowen@eircom.net
Tel: +353 23 8833357 Contact: Daniel Owen
The Anglican Church of the Ascension which dates from the early 19th century, features gorgeous and unique wall mosaics completed over a period of 30 years. 
Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Cork VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.dennehyscrossparish.ie Email: holyspiritparish@eircom.net
Tel: +353 21 4344452 Contact: Anne O’Riordan
The church is neo-classical in style and has a seating capacity of 1000 people. It has a magnificent Pentecost altar mosaic which was designed by the Italian artist Romeo Battistella. 
Coillte properties Galway VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.coillteonfilm.ie Email: brenda.molloy@coillte.ie
Tel: +353 87 989 0198 or Head Office 1890 367 378 Contact: Brenda Molloy
The Coillte estate encompasses 7% of the land cover of Ireland and provides a stunning variety of locations with diverse woodland settings and properties with features such as open space, water and old buildings. 
Holy Trinity (Father Matthew) Church, Cork VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: n/a Email: seandonohoe25@gmail.com
Tel: 087 763 4176 Contact: Father Sean Donohoe
This is an elegant Regency Gothic-style church with Gothic-Revival portico, located in a prominent quay-side location in the heart of the City. 
Kilmaloda Church, Clogagh, Cork VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: n/a Email: danielowen@eircom.net
Tel: +353 23 8833357 Contact: Daniel Owen
This is a classic example of a small rural Anglican Church situated in a beautiful valley near Clonakilty and the village of Clogagh. 
Lislee Church, Cork VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.courtmacsherry.ie Email: ccwclon@eircom.net
Tel: +353 23 8833347 Contact: John Conroy
This is a beautiful, if somewhat forlorn ruined Anglican Church & graveyard set in a picturesque hidden valley. 
Smock Alley Theatre VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.smockalley.com Email: cliona@smockalley.com
Tel: 01-6770014 Contact: Cliona Dukes
St Peter’s & Paul’s Church, Cork City VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: n/a Email: n/a
Tel: +353 21 427 6573 Contact: Dr Patrick A. McCarthy
This church is a magnificent example of Neo-Gothic Architecture by A.W. Pugin. It was completed in 1868, replacing an earlier church built on the same site in 1786. 
St. Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork City VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.stfinbarres.wordpress.com Email: cathedral@cork.anglican.org
Tel: +353 21 4963387 Contact: Dean Nigel Dunne
Saint Fin Barre’s Cathedral is situated in the centre of Cork City, Ireland. The Cathedral is suitably huge and impressive, with incredibly detailed stone figures adorning the entrance and tall spires towering upwards. 
The Church Cafe Bar & Restaurant VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: Email: bflynn@belgardgroup.ie
Tel: Contact: Brendan Flynn
The beautifully restored former St. Mary’s Church is one of Dublin’s most popular Bar/Restaurant emporiums. 
Timoleague, West Cork VIEW FULL LISTING
Web: www.timoleague.ie Email: ccwclon@eircom.net
Tel: +353 23 8833347 Contact: John Conroy
Timoleague is a picturesque village which is situated just 30 miles from Cork City. Perched at the edge of a long sea inlet this friendly tourist village is dominated by the ruins of a 13th century abbey. 
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The Full A-Z
Cathedral of The Holy Trinity, Christ Church, Waterford
Church of Our Lady Crowned, Cork
Church of the Ascension, Timoleague, Cork
Church of the Descent of the Holy Spirit, Cork
Coillte properties Galway
Holy Trinity (Father Matthew) Church, Cork
Kilmaloda Church, Clogagh, Cork
Lislee Church, Cork
Saint Patrick's Cathedral
Smock Alley Theatre
St Peter’s & Paul’s Church, Cork City
St. Fin Barre's Cathedral, Cork City
The Church Cafe Bar & Restaurant
Timoleague, West Cork
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