Take the N7 from Dublin to reach County Laois.
Bus |
Bus Eireann provide services to County Laois from Dublin and surrounding counties.
For further information on bus services telephone: +353 18366111 www.buseireann.ie
Rail |
The Dublin/Cork line serves Portarlington, Portlaoise and Ballybrophy
For further information on bus services telephone: +353 16285509 www.iarnrodeireann.ie
Airport |
Dublin Airport is the closest airport to Laois. For Further information go to www.dublinairport.com or telephone +353 (01) 814 1111
Car Rental |
Practical Car & Van Rentals |
+353 50222955 |
Taxi Companies |
Charles Bourke |
+353 50260626 |
19 Market Square , Portlaoise, Laois. |
Cleary Cabs |
+353 88512111 |
7 Davin Park, Mountmellick, Co. Laois. |
Sean Delaney |
+353 50225409 |
1 Vicarstown Rd. , Stradbally, Portlaoise |
Galvin's Cab Service |
+353 502557799 |
25 Lake Glen, Portlaoise, Co. Laois. |
K & M Cabs |
+353 50243464 |
31 St. Bridgit's Pl., Portarlington, Co. Laois. |
Michael Moore |
+353 50221711 |
35 St . John's Square, Portlaoise. |
Transport Hire
Courier Companies |
Featured listings for transport hire providers. Film and TV Lighting, Generators, Aircraft Hire, Cargo. |
Featured listings for Irish and international courier service companies. |