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Irish Film and Television Network




List by Year

 » 2002

 Film Name  Director  Year
-  1973  Paul Duane  2002
-  A Home in the Green Land    2002
-  A House Divided    2002
-  A Year Till Sunday    2002
-  Actors, The  Conor McPherson  2002
-  Afghanistan The Hostage Nation    2002
-  Aidan Walsh Private Investigator  Derek Keating  2002
-  Albert’s Clock    2002
-  All God's Children  Tom Cosgrove  2002
-  All the Queen's Men  Steve Carson  2002
-  Amu Amigos  Evan Chamberlain  2002
-  An Artist Abroad  Sabina Brennan  2002
-  An Chartaig Spite  Mac Dara O Curraidhin  2002
-  An Cruthaitheoir  Damon Silvester  2002
-  An Decay  Traolach O Buachalla  2002
-  An Sli Mor  Ruth Meehan  2002
-  An tAireagoir  Damon Silvester  2002
-  An tSlí Mór  Ruth Meehan  2002
-  An tSlí Mór  Ruth Meehan  2002
-  Angelus, The  Tommy Weir  2002
-  Another Island    2002
-  Any Given Sunday  Simon Gibney  2002
-  Any Time Now  John Woods  2002
-  Arabian Nights and Lilywhites    2002
-  Aran Great Rock, Little Clay    2002
-  Ardán  Billy Keady  2002
-  As Lathair  Paul Rowley  2002
-  As na Railli  Paddy Hayes  2002
-  Aunt Bridget  Vladislav Bairamgualv  2002
-  Bad Arse Bears  Declan de Barra  2002
-  Bald    2002
-  Ballygick 'n Shpittle  Trevor Murphy  2002
-  Ballymaloe Cookery School    2002
-  Bang! You're Dead  Martin Danneels  2002
-  Beechy    2002
-  Before the Hungarians  Brian O'Flaherty  2002
-  Berlusconi    2002
-  Berlusconi's Mousetrap  Eamonn Crudden  2002
-  Bia’s Bothar (Series 2)    2002
-  Bikes    2002
-  Billy's Museum  Amanda Dunsmore  2002
-  Birth of John the Baptist, The  Darragh O'Connell  2002
-  Blind Flight  Johnny Furse  2002
-  Blood Ties    2002
-  Bodyblow  Sonya Supple Gildea  2002
-  Boiled Eggs and Beer  Mark Cumerton  2002
-  Boneyard  Paul Glynn  2002
-  Boxed  Marion Comer  2002
-  Brian Kenndy on Song    2002
-  Burn  Paddy Jolley  2002
-  Bus Stop  Eugene Darcy  2002
-  Calcification  Roman Coyle  2002
-  Call Girl  Keyster Dyer  2002
-  Cardinal Secrets  Mary Raftery  2002
-  Ceol i gCuideachta    2002
-  Chasing the Dragon    2002
-  Chavez: The Two-Day Coup    2002
-  Clash of the Celtic Giants  David Malone  2002
-  Close  Tom Hopkins  2002
-  Coronation Day  Tony Knox  2002
-  Country Practice  David Malone  2002
-  Country Times    2002
-  Crash  Adrian McCarthy  2002
-  Crossing    2002
-  Daniel    2002
-  Darkroom  Ian Thuilier  2002
-  Deidre O'Kane Live at the Olympia  Stephen Bradley  2002
-  Deja View  Cathy Mooney  2002
-  Detention  Patrick O'Driscoll  2002
-  Dracula's Bram Stoker  Sinead O'Brien  2002
-  Eamonn  Gerry Nelson  2002
-  Ear To The Ground (Series 10)    2002
-  Eco.eye  Stephen Rooke  2002
-  Eire Fo-Thoinn    2002
-  Elvis - Burning Love  Brian Reddin  2002
-  Escape  John Rice  2002
-  Evelyn  Bruce Beresford  2002
-  Excluded by the Nature of Things  Vivienne Dick  2002
-  Eye of the Storm  Joel Conroy  2002
-  Faith Hope and Plastic  Gerry Nelson  2002
-  Fathers & Sons  Michael Watkins  2002
-  Fear An Phoist (Series 1 & 2)  Dennis Kirkland  2002 - 2003
-  Fern Hill  Edith Pieperhoff  2002
-  Fernhill  Edith Pieperhoff  2002
-  Fernhill  Edith Pieperhoff  2002
-  Fire Watch    2002
-  First Stop    2002
-  Fish Out of Water  Jane Kelly  2002
-  Flirting with the Light  Trish McAdam  2002
-  From Croke Park to Cuba    2002
-  From Darkness  Nora Twomey  2002
-  From Portugal to Portadown    2002
-  Frontline: Domestics  Eamonn Devlin  2002
-  Furry Story  Ken Simpson  2002
-  GAA Beo  Tony Bohan  2002
-  Galtymore    2002
-  Give Up Yer Aul' Sins - The Series  Darragh O'Connell  2002
-  Glass Hour  Clare Langan  2002
-  Goldfish Memory  Liz Gill  2002
-  Guest of the Nation  Ronan Gallagher  2002
-  Guest of the Nation  Ronan Gallagher  2002
-  Halfway to Heaven    2002
-  Hands    2002
-  Happy and Glorius  Roger Ford-Hutchinson  2002
-  Harry Clarke-Darkness in Light  John J Doherty  2002
-  Headrush  Shimmy Marcus  2002
-  Health Squad  Sarah Share  2002
-  Heart and Soul    2002
-  History of Give Up Yer Auld Sins  Cathal Gaffney  2002
-  Home for Christmas  Charlie McCarthy  2002
-  How it All Began - Animated Short Film  Edith Pieperhoff  2002
-  Hunted  David Gleeson  2002
-  Hurlers on the Pampas  Martin Danneels  2002
-  In America  Jim Sheridan  2002
-  Incognitus  Ronnan O Donnachadha  2002
-  Indian Summer  Joseph Patrick Behan  2002
-  Innocence  Brendan Muldowney  2002
-  Inspiration  Dave Hegarty  2002
-  Interface: Ardoyne    2002
-  Invincible  Werner Herzog  2002
-  Islandman  Eamon De Buitlear  2002
-  It's Not the Answer    2002
-  Joan of Arc  Tomm Moore  2002
-  Just a Little Bit of Love: A Tribute to Des Smyth  Peter Foott  2002
-  Killer Diller  Richie Smith  2002
-  King of Communism  Ben Lewis  2002
-  Learaid dar gCuimhni  Declan de Barra  2002
-  Lemon Crush  Shane O'Sullivan  2002
-  Liam Ó Flaithearta - Idir Dhá Theanga (Liam O’Flaherty: Islandman Abroad)  Mac dara Ó Curraidhín  2002
-  Liam O'Flaherty: Islandman Abroad  MacDara O'Curraidhin  2002
-  Life And Death In Soweto  Duncan Sim  2002
-  Living the Revolution  Adrian McCarthy  2002
-  LSD '73  Paul Duane  2002
-  M'Bird  Trevor Murphy  2002
-  Making a Diference    2002
-  Making The Misfits  Gail Stevens  2002
-  Manchain Sa T Sin  Ruan Magan  2002
-  Mannequin  Glenn Marshall  2002
-  Martin McGuinness  Louis Edmondson  2002
-  Mary Robinson:The Outsider    2002
-  McKenna's Ireland    2002
-  Meeting Che Guevara & the Man from Maybury Hill  Anthony Byrne  2002
-  Meteor Irish Music Awards 2002 & 2003  Colin Cowman  2002
-  Mother Theresa's Ireland    2002
-  Moving Day  Rob Burke  2002
-  Music Asides    2002
-  My First Motion Picture  Padraig Trehy  2002
-  Mystics  David Blair  2002
-  Neurotica  Roger Rawlings  2002
-  Nice Guy Eddie  Douglas Mackinnon  2002
-  Night Out  Jason Tammemagi  2002
-  No Rootless Colonists  Louis Marcus  2002
-  No Tears  Stephen Burke  2002
-  No, No, No  Stephen Bradley  2002
-  Nobody Home  Eamon Little  2002
-  Obsessions    2002
-  Off The Rails  Paddy Hayes  2002
-  Off the Rails    2002
-  Oilean Thoraigh  Pat Collins  2002
-  Old Friends  John Breen  2002
-  Olive  Neasa Hardiman  2002
-  On Home Ground  Kevin Liddy,  2002
-  Open House  Claire Wilde,  2002
-  Oscar Wilde Spendthrift of Genuis    2002
-  Oscar Wilde Trilogy  Maurice Joyce  2002
-  Other Voices: Songs from a Room  Robert Corkey  2002
-  Padraig & Nadia  Kester Kyer  2002
-  Pallida Mors  Jason Figgis  2002
-  Paradise Ireland    2002
-  Paradise Phucked  Aidan Harte  2002
-  Patrick Kielty Almost Live    2002
-  Pearse Fanatic Heart    2002
-  Plan B  Gerry McBride,  2002
-  Planet Rock Profiles  Susan Broe  2002
-  Pluck  Neasa Hardiman  2002
-  Prime Time: Saturday Night, Sunday Morning    2002
-  Prime Time:Cardinal Secrets    2002
-  Pullin' The Devil By The Tail  Stephen McCollum  2002
-  Race to the Botton  Ronan Tynan,  2002
-  Read Write Now  Leo Casey  2002
-  Red Bugs  Gerard Crowley  2002
-  Reign Of Fire  Rob Bowman  2002
-  Remembering the Century    2002
-  Ri Ra  Brian Reddin  2002
-  Room with a View    2002
-  Ros na Run  Hugh Farley  2002
-  Rugby Beo    2002
-  Sampler    2002
-  Saturday  Paul Farren  2002
-  School Around the Corner  Paul Clarke  2002
-  Selfish Minds  John Conroy  2002
-  Sets & Violence  Mickey Dwyer  2002
-  Sets and Violence  Mikey Dwyer  2002
-  Seven Days in the Summer  Liam McGrath  2002
-  Sex, Booze and a Sheep Named John: Crimescene  Frank Prendergast  2002
-  Shamrock and Swastika  Irina Maldea  2002
-  Sharpton    2002
-  Short Back and Sides  Pearse Elliot  2002
-  Sing On Forever  Alan Gilsenan  2002
-  Sir Gawain and the Green Knight  Tim Fernee  2002
-  Size Matters  Paul Gaster  2002
-  Sky High    2002
-  Snap  Gerald Thompson  2002
-  Solved and Unsolved    2002
-  Sophiatown   Pascale Lamch  2002
-  SOS  Brian Reddin,  2002
-  South City Beat    2002
-  Spin the Bottle  Ian FitzGibbon  2002
-  St Patrick's Festival 2002 & 2003 Highlights  Colin Cowman  2002
-  Strangers in the Night  James Cotter  2002
-  Stumped  Colm Mc Manus  2002
-  Suffering  Gary Mitchell  2002
-  Summit  Niall Heery  2002
-  Sunday  Charles McDougal  2002
-  Sunday Grandstand    2002
-  Sunday Munch  Oda O'Carroll  2002
-  SuperTramp -Tommy Tiernans Walking Tour of Ireland  Pat Comer  2002
-  Ten Weeks in Costa Rica    2002
-  Test’s the Nation’s IQ    2002
-  Thank You Mr. Dobson  Shane Moloney  2002
-  The Challenge    2002
-  The Changing Face of Dublin  Stephen Rooke  2002
-  The Children’s    2002
-  The Cleggan Disaster  Petra Conroy  2002
-  The Count of Monte Cristo  Kevin Reynolds  2002
-  The Crackle of The Crack  Scott Altman  2002
-  The Craic Down Under    2002
-  The Depository  Andrew Kavanagh  2002
-  The Fairytaler - The Modern Classics by Hans Christian Andersen  Jørgen Lerdam  2002
-  The Fame Game  Bob Corkey  2002
-  The Fame Game  Brian Reddin  2002
-  The First Television  John O'Donnell  2002
-  The Ghost of Roger Casement  Alan Gilsenan  2002
-  The Great Ceili War  John Irvin  2002
-  The Halo Effect  Lance Daly  2002
-  The Honeymooners  Karl Golden  2002
-  The Honourable Scaffolder  Brendan Muldowney  2002
-  The Impossible Dream    2002
-  The Impossible Dream  John Comeskey  2002
-  The Irish Cup Final    2002
-  The Last  Steven Benedict  2002
-  The Last Storyteller?  Desmond Bell  2002
-  The Last Time  Conor Horgan  2002
-  The Life and Crimes of Citizen Ming  Mike Casey  2002
-  The Longest Day  David Hegarty  2002
-  The Magdalene Sisters  Peter Mullan  2002
-  The Making of a Prodigy  Colm McCarthy  2002
-  The Making of A Prodigy  Colm Mc Carthy  2002
-  The Man in the Attic  Liz Gill  2002
-  The Many Lives Of Albert Walker  Harry Hook  2002
-  The Milliner  Andrew Kavanagh  2002
-  The Peer & The Park    2002
-  The Peer and The Park  Karen McGrath  2002
-  The Phantom Cnut  Tom Collins  2002
-  The Prophet  Ian Power  2002
-  The Real Father Ted - A Portrait of Dermot Morgan  Shay Healy  2002
-  The Real Thing  David Gleeson  2002
-  The Roman Spring of Mrs Stone  Robert Allan Ackerman  2002
-  The Strange Case of the Irish Crown Jewels  Gerry Nelson  2002
-  The Trial Soloman  Steve Woods  2002
-  The Twilight Hour  Jason Figgis  2002
-  The Wayfarer  Lawrence Jackson  2002
-  The Wayfayer  Lawerence Jackson  2002
-  The Wedding Planners  Christine Thornton,  2002
-  Thou Shalt Not Kill    2002
-  Three Moons John Rocha    2002
-  Tied Up with String  Mairead McClean  2002
-  Tilly and the Teeth  Brian Durnin  2002
-  Time Has Come  Dieter Auner  2002
-  Time of My Life    2002
-  Toilet Humour  Jason Tammemagi  2002
-  Tom Cream Antarctica's Forgotten Hero  Donncha OBrian  2002
-  Tomás ‘Jimmy’ Mac Eoin: Seó Aonair (Tomás Jimmy Mac Eoin: One Man Show)  Mac dara Ó Curraidhín  2002
-  Townlands: Animal Rescue  Jonathan Levy  2002
-  Treasure    2002
-  Trina and the Fixer  Cecilia McAllister  2002
-  Trouble  Jimmy McAleavey  2002
-  Trying to Sell Your Soul When the Devil Won't List  Padraig Trehy  2002
-  Tumble Turns  Dave Duggan  2002
-  Twins  John Keogh  2002
-  Ulysses  Sean Walsh  2002
-  Up the Country  Andrew Baird  2002
-  Veronica Guerin  Joel Schumacher  2002
-  Voices from Vindolanda    2002
-  W.R.H    2002
-  Watermelon  Kieron J Walsh  2002
-  What Miro Saw  Pat Murphy  2002
-  When Bridie Called Gerry  Andrew Kavanagh  2002
-  When Joe Met Sam  Margaret O'Hare  2002
-  Wobbly Land  Catherine Little  2002
-  Would You Believe    2002
-  Writer in Profile    2002

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